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[Jul. 10th, 2007|11:22 am]
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I was thinking of having brain surgery, but then I changed my mind.
J. Murphy

The Top Features of a Chinese Computer Virus

- Just when you think you've erased it and restored your files, an hour later it empties your hard drive again.
- It goes through your files and transposes all the R's and L's.
- It's really just a cheap knockoff of a brand-name American virus.
- Instead of attacking code directly, it supports and arms similar North Korean and North Vietnamese viruses.
- While it may be crafty, strong and clever, the Jackie Chan Antivirus always kicks its butt.
- It adds pithy sayings to all your web browser cookie files.
- It's based on code stolen from Los Alamos Nuclear Research Laboratory.
- Thanks to population controls, it only replicates once.

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