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[Jun. 26th, 2007|07:52 am]
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Those My Little Pony dolls are perfect for little girls, combining their two favorite real-life things: brushing hair and blowing Dad's money on insanely expensive indulgences.
Brad Simanek

My doctor keeps insisting I do everything in moderation, so I've decided to pay only $5.00 a month on my $10,000 medical bill.
Jerry L. Embry

I cried because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet. Then I just cried harder, because he didn't NEED shoes, the smug bastard!
Emily Crockett

One morning my wife said, "I had the weirdest dream. I dreamed I was helping Halle Berry have a baby." "What a coincidence," I said. "I dreamed I was helping Halle Berry have a baby, too!" Then my wife got all tweaked. Talk about a double standard!
Ken Foster

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