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[Dec. 29th, 2005|12:23 pm]
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The Top 10 Hip Hop Holiday Songs

- I'dlay Maria
- All I Want for Christmas is My Two Gold Teeth
- Angels We Have Heard While High
- Jingle Bell Glock
- We Wish You a Ludacrismas
- O Lil' Kim of Bethlehem
- Hood King Wenceslas
- Violent Night
- Baby Got Socks
- Whose Kid Is This, Bitch?!?

If life hands you lemons, sell them at the market and buy a big handgun with the profits, then go track down that sucker and teach him what it means to mess with a guy with a big handgun.
(Steven D'Aprano)

If life gives you a yeast infection, make bread. And if you know someone whom life has given lemons, you could have a picnic or something.
(Michael McCuiston)
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