Khe-he - August 21st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 21st, 2008

[Aug. 21st, 2008|08:14 am]
Если вами правит дурак, значит вы идиоты.

Некий случайный знакомый на курорте предложил Алехину сгонять партейку в шахматы. Алехин согласился, но при расстановке фигур сразу убрал одну свою ладью. Партнер возмутился:
- Как же так? Вы меня совсем не знаете - и даете мне ладью форы?
На что Алехин ответил:
- Если бы я не мог вам дать ладью форы, я бы вас знал.
... tālāk ... )
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[Aug. 21st, 2008|12:06 pm]
Not every man is not a pig. When I realized I was looking at the largest, most well-tanned breasts I've seen in years, modesty forced me to avert my eyes. Well, it was either modesty or the fact that they were man-boobs, but, hey, I should still get some credit here.
Dwight Burke

I may not actually be from Mars, but I'm pretty sure my ex-wife was from Venus. Look at the evidence: She had a volcanic personality, the atmosphere around her was corrosive, and when you were anywhere close to her, the pressure was enough to crush your soul.
Paul B.

I've been telling people about how this guy in the deli stopped me to tell me how beautiful I am. I guess I embellish the story a little, because maybe the word he used was "pretty." Okay, what he *actually* said was, "You're in my way." But you can see my point.
Monica Hammond

The Top Ogden N*A*S*H Poems

Boeing still hankers
To build those tankers.

(Old Benito)
Had his hang-ups;
Now finito.
... tālāk ... )
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[Aug. 21st, 2008|07:40 pm]
Comrade Ivanovich has posted new photos on FaceBook...
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