Khe-he - January 8th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 8th, 2008

[Jan. 8th, 2008|07:58 am]
На соревнования по биатлону идет эстафетная гонка у мужчин! На втором этапе от сборной России участвует Сергей Бегунов.Cергей Бежал – бежал и опередил немца на одну минуту,на третьем этапе от России бежал Игорь Стрелков. Игорь стрелял – стрелял и в итоге опередил немца на 2 минуты. На последнем,четвертом этапе от России бежал Владимир Драчев, не знаю что там делал Владимир, но в итоге пришел Восьмым...

- Ты чего такой грустный?
- Да вот, собирался принять участие во встрече мужчин, страдающих преждевременной эякуляцией.
- И что?
- Опоздал: встреча закончилась раньше, чем намечали…
... tālāk ... )
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[Jan. 8th, 2008|08:00 am]
This nanosecond is the first nanosecond of the rest of... Damn! I *still* can't say it fast enough!
The Covert Comic

I used to study art, until my teacher told me my paintings lean were not enough "artsy" and too much "fartsy."
Jerry L. Embry

I think a great way to make the Olympics more interesting would be to combine two sports into one called "Greco-Roman Synchronized Swimming." One team would do silly artistic stuff while the other team tried to throw them out of the pool.
Lee Entrekin

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[Jan. 8th, 2008|10:57 am]
The Top Reasons Things Stink

- Dogs stink so that you can avoid stepping on them at night.
- To separate the men from the boys, or weed out the honeybees from the carrion flies.
- Bacteria have no noses.
- So you can find and eradicate new life forms in the refrigerator.
- It's a conspiracy orchestrated by "Big Perfume".

The Top Things Overheard at CompUSA's Closeout Sale

- "Our policy is that the customer is always right. So in a way, Sir, this is all your fault."
- "Damn, and I was only 44 years from retiring!"
- "So, is Circuit City or Best Buy the new 'lesser evil'?"
- "Remind me, is it 'Welcome to Wal-Mart, can I get you a cart?' Or is it 'Can I get you a cart? Welcome to Wal-Mart.'?"
- "Why yes, we will take returns after the holidays. Just look for the big bin outside labeled 'Dumpster'."
- "Is the new name CompMexico?"
- "I knew we shoulda gone with 'Nerd Squad!'"
- "(*Smirk*) Would you like to purchase an extended warranty service contract? (*Guffaw!*)"

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[Jan. 8th, 2008|11:00 am]
Jauns kļūdas paziņojums ;) ... tālāk ... )
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[Jan. 8th, 2008|11:17 am]
Un vēl daži kļūdas paziņojumi. Ar kādu derētu 1.aprīlī kādu kolēģīti iepriecināt :] ... tālāk ... )
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[Jan. 8th, 2008|11:32 am]
Pareiza Xmasu eglīte! ;) ... tālāk ... )
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