Khe-he - October 11th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 11th, 2007

[Oct. 11th, 2007|09:40 am]
Блин, где тот парень, который вчера про ногу в ведре рассказывал??? Я думал, врет...

Коммунизм. Раннее утро. На двери продуктового магазина объявление: "Сегодня в сливочном масле потребности нет!"

- Спасибо вам на добром слове!
- Не за что. Это я не подумавши...
... tālāk ... )
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[Oct. 11th, 2007|09:47 am]
Oh, sure, women will *say* they want a man who can still view the world with childlike wonder, but watch how quickly they change their tune when you put a small garden snake put down their pants.
Jerry L. Embry

One of the saddest days of my life was the day we put my Aunt Nettie in a rest home. But if it weren't for sad times like that, I couldn't have truly appreciated the good times, like taking her wallet while she was crying.
Donald Junter

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[Oct. 11th, 2007|10:04 am]
The Top Signs Your Leadership Skills Are Lacking

- Your last followed order was spoken into a clown's mouth.
- You can't get your troops to follow you to the Mess Hall.
- The only order you gave last month was for pepperoni pizza with mushrooms and onions.
- You're always hearing "I got your order right here", yet they don't really seem to.
- "I wouldn't follow him out of a burning building!"
- All your orders are given in the form of a question.
- Your troops won't follow you, and your troops are made entirely of lemmings and sheep.
- Every order you give is immediately followed by " No, wait...."

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[Oct. 11th, 2007|10:58 am]
Apsveicu! :] ... tālāk ... )
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[Oct. 11th, 2007|11:30 am]
Man and superman :) ... tālāk ... )
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[Oct. 11th, 2007|01:04 pm]
Nuss... Karstā laikā uz ādas beņķa varbūt pat tāds verķis noderētu... ... tālāk ... )
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[Oct. 11th, 2007|03:01 pm]
Studenti, ņemiet vērā ;) ... tālāk ... )
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