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[Nov. 9th, 2006|01:07 pm]
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The Sarge is writing his memoirs but needs to change the names to protect the guilty and butt-kicked. Here are the primary characters in this soon-to-be bestseller:

The Top 6 Characters in a Military Novel

- Conflicted Muslim translator: Hulet Zedawgzout
- Doomed young kid: Billy "Bullseye" Target
- Munitions procurement officer: Maximilian Schells
- Army Corps of Engineers best buddy: Lt. Bill D. Bridges
- Well-liked officer who stutters: Lt. Lou Tennant
- Head of the Japanese Navy in 1944: Admiral T. Dun Sunk
- Military/media liaison: Colonel O'Truth
- Commanders of the forces in Baghdad: General Chaos and Major Disaster

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