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[Nov. 8th, 2005|05:45 pm]
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The Top Things You Never Want to Hear From Your Computer Consultant

"Well, she's leakin' oil from the motherboard and she's gonna need a new set o' points and plugs, and possibly a new timin' belt."

"The only data I could recover from your hard drive was a folder of JPEG files. And if I may say, you look very nice in pink chiffon, Sir."

"Sure, we can fix your server. Do you happen to have some mouse blood and black candles?"

"Heh-heh...'Unix!' Heh-heh!"

"People underestimate the raw computing power of the Commodore VIC-20."

"Say, didn't you used to beat me up in grade school?"

"This is just a part-time job. My day job is writing for an Internet humor mailing list."

"Trust me, vacuum tube technology has come a long way since the ENIAC."

"You don't have worry about security. It's all Microsoft software."
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