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[Aug. 9th, 2006|06:52 pm]
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The Top Things the Internet Would Say If It Could Talk

- Probably something like "01000101 01100001 01110100 00100000 01101101 01100101 00101110." Get it? "00101110!"
- "Your next door neighbor says thanks for the wireless!"
- "I'd have thought you'd be able to memorize the entire page after 200 visits. It's just a bunch of pictures!"
- "Please don't upgrade your monitor! I see enough of you as it is!"
- "You say you love me for my wealth of knowledge, but you only spend time on my porn sites."
- "I changed my name from Arpanet for professional reasons."
- "Every time someone surfs a porn site an angel sheds a tear. Have you noticed the recent increase in hurricanes?"
- "You've got to be the only surfer out there who has trouble spelling 'www.'"
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