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[Jul. 24th, 2006|11:06 pm]
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Why is it that every four weeks or so, some Chinese guy calls my pager? Who is this Lo Cell, and what does he want with me?
(Dave Henry)


The Top Signs You're *Not* Living La Vida Loca

- When they refer to you as "Hot," they always throw in "and sweaty."

- Your stolen couch was identified by your ass-print.

- Ricky Martin: cover of People, Rolling Stone, etc.
You: cover of Bridge Players Monthly.

- Just a *wee* too much cooking sherry and you end up dancing around the neighborhood with a lampshade on your head.

- You're only halfway through "Living la Vida Loca for Dummies."

- Your wife has to explain that being a "Latin Lover" doesn't involve conjugating Latin verbs in bed.

- The only heavy breathing you've experienced this year was that asthma attack you had when the new Spiderman stamp set arrived.

- Husband wakes you up before dawn with a nudge and "Come on, honey, 'Little House on the Prairie' is about to start!"

- You switch from your usual plain vanilla to French vanilla because it sounds foreign and dangerous.
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