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[Jul. 21st, 2006|01:18 pm]
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The Top Signs You're Watching a Low-Budget Movie

- Most of the special effects involve Legos.

- View out the spaceship "window" looks an awful lot like your screen saver.

- Flushing sounds heard before waterfall scenes.

- Something tells you that "Star Wars Episode II: Porky's Revenge" isn't a George Lucas production.

- Sociopathic slasher's weapon of choice: grapefruit spoon.

- That "LOW BATT" you see isn't a subtitle.

- Hard to believe an International Superspy would drive a Gremlin.

- "Computer generated characters" are created by combining a colon and parentheses.

- During the dramatic shot of the ocean liner sinking, you can clearly see a gigantic bar of Ivory Soap in the background.

- That "alien monster" looks suspiciously like someone's genitalia.
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