
11. Augusts 2009

11. Augusts 2009

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man nav meitenes, un es slikti ēdu, necepu pankūkas, neklāju gultu un neeju uz kino

būtu meitene, varētu kopā slikti ēst, necept pankūkas, neklāt gultu un neiet uz kino

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Spring 2009

Intelligent Design (SOUTHERN EVANGELICAL SEMINARY #AP 410, 510, and 810; May 11 – 16, 2009)

AP510 This is the masters course. You have four things to do:

(1) take the final exam (worth 30% of your grade);
(2) write a 1,500- to 2,000-word critical review of Francis Collins’s The Language of God -- for instructions, see below (20% of your grade);
(3) write a 3,000-word essay on the theological significance of intelligent design (worth 30% of your grade);
(4) provide at least 10 posts defending ID that you’ve made on “hostile” websites, the posts totalling 3,000 words, along with the URLs (i.e., web links) to each post (worth 20% of your grade).

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viena no mīļākajām Dilana dziesmām:

ievērtējiet lielisko video, mani ļoti ievelk un iegriež

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lūk, tieši tik vienkāršs es gribētu būt, bet nekad nebūšu. Seu Jorge dzied Life on Mars:
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