
12. Marts 2007

12. Marts 2007

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retais dzīvo

Lama Thubten Yeshe

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Western people think that it is natural to show appreciation when you are happy, “Oh, I am happy,” and when you are uncomfortable to just say, “I am uncomfortable.” That seems natural for Westerners, but Buddhism says that this is a wrong conception, so what to do? This monk is making you angry now instead of making you happy!

Okay, now I have to explain this unusual concept. This is what happens: In a situation where we experience pleasure, we grasp; we grasp and we won’t let go. Is this the experience of Swedish people or not? When you have a pleasurable experience, does your mind start craving and grasping instead of just having the experience of pleasure and then letting go? That is the problem.

When you feel unpleasant, when you are in an unpleasant situation, then again you crave. You crave to be free, “I want to be free of this!” Again you are craving.

When you are experiencing neither pleasure nor pain but are medium, sluggishly comfortable, you have no wisdom and again you crave, you crave for the sluggishness to vanish. Again you are craving.
... tālāk ... )

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"I can't tell if it's yesterday or tomorrow and it's a real mind f---"

This single quote from Laura Dern sums the movie up fairly well.

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