Satie's music seems to mirror this multifaceted nature. On the one hand it is outwardly simple, straightforward in terms of harmony, using short melodies with little development, even repetitive at times. He used unusual scales such as the old form of modes, and others of uncertain origin suggesting folk tunes from different parts of the world. Yet behind this outwardly simple music, is something different and thought-provoking. It has attitude, a certain sadness, and often an ambivalence making it hard to fathom (or allowing different interpretations by both musician and listener). This ambivalence was enhanced by strange instructions written with the music like "wonder about yourself" or "open your mind". Satie's music shows life from different angles, and is a genuine and new means of expression. Yet Satie demonstrates his non-conformist attitude, mocking his critics and the pretentiousness of other composers by giving some of his works titles such as "True Flabby Preludes", "Three Pieces in the Shape of a Pear" and "Desiccated Embryos"!
1. Maijs 2005
ziniet, kāda ir sajūta, kad ieraugi jahtu mastus saulē līdz horizontam, simtiem pietauvotu jahtu un kuteru? skaisti? nē, draņķīga sajūta, jo tu saproti, ka tev nav bagātu vecāku, nav jahtas, nav mājas, nav mašīnas un nav pat gumijas laivas. nav naftas, saproti?
bet vispār neticiet, ka pastāv Oslo, svētdienās laikam sistēmas apkope, jo cilvēku nav uz ielām, tikai dažas kvazistatiskas programmas parkos saulē gozējas
bet vispār neticiet, ka pastāv Oslo, svētdienās laikam sistēmas apkope, jo cilvēku nav uz ielām, tikai dažas kvazistatiskas programmas parkos saulē gozējas