Lap in

Feb. 5th, 2010 | 02:15 am

"The word "interjection" literally means "thrown in between" from the Latin inter ("between") and iacere ("throw"). Interjections are generally uninflected function words and have sometimes been seen as sentence-words, because they can replace or be replaced by a whole sentence (they are holophrastic). Sometimes, however, interjections combine with other words to form sentences, but not with finite verbs. When an exclamation point is not needed, a comma can take the place." /wikipedia/

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Šovakar wikilove

Feb. 5th, 2010 | 01:21 pm

Uzvārds ierunājās asinsbalsī ieraugot ŠO .

Izstāda arī bezastainos mērkaķus .

Alice Cooper nekad neesmu īpaši pievērsi uzmanību. Viņam make-up bieži nav glīts un tā jocīgi uzvedās, bet nu viņš točna nav īsts vecis! Redz cik jauki - daudzi koki ir ar vismaz diviem galiem.
Šeit gaidas satiek skautus, norauj kaklautus un...

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Piens un medus

Feb. 5th, 2010 | 02:49 pm

What Kind of Bees, give milk? Boo-bees

Te tādas bites, ar kurām nekad neko nevar zināt.

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