Nov. 2nd, 2009 | 09:48 am
Un laikam jau jāpriecājas, ka dzīvojam tieši šajā laikā un vietā. Tā domāju pēc Tradīciju burtnīca. Aizputnieku stāsti par ebrejiem izlasīšanas. Labi, ka nav nevienam draugam jāstaigā pa ielas vidu ar ielāpiņu uz muguras. Vismaz piespiedu kārtā.
Ļoti Tillihisks + Žirārisks teoloģiskais bojeviks, pilnīgi nejauši uziets: Revolver
Ļoti Tillihisks + Žirārisks teoloģiskais bojeviks, pilnīgi nejauši uziets: Revolver
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Medicīnas pļāpas DIY (since dr. Hauss ir zaudējis šarmu)
Nov. 2nd, 2009 | 09:49 am
Some of the most profound effects of TH imbalance are in the mental arena. Hypothyroid people sleep easily and do not get full refreshment from their sleep. During waking hours, they experience fatigue, apathy, and "brain fog" (short-term memory problems and attention deficits). These problems may affect their daily functioning and cause increased stress and depression.
TH acts as a neurotransmitter. TH imbalance can mimic psychiatric disease because T3 influences levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter integral to moods and behavior. Low levels of T3 can cause depression. Some anti-depressants make hypothyroid patients feel even worse because the medications depress T3 levels. Paradoxically, some substances labelled depressants such as alcohol or opiates can increase T3 levels by impairing the breakdown of T3 in the brain, thus lifting mood. This may be one reason why these substances are so addictive.
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Man šitāda slimība.
Kam ir kāda interesantāka?
+ Viss raksts un vēl info par vairogdziedzera slimībām, hormoniem un to funkcijām šeit
p.s. A kāpēc sikoterapeiti nenosūta uz vairogdziedzera analīzēm savus pacientus, pirms uzsākt sikoanalīzi un tērēt savu dārgo laiku, nervus, nerunājot nimaz par pacientu veselību. Visādu sūdu izrakstīšana vairogdziezera slimniekam var uztaisīt vispār zvizģec! Nikna.
Some of the most profound effects of TH imbalance are in the mental arena. Hypothyroid people sleep easily and do not get full refreshment from their sleep. During waking hours, they experience fatigue, apathy, and "brain fog" (short-term memory problems and attention deficits). These problems may affect their daily functioning and cause increased stress and depression.
TH acts as a neurotransmitter. TH imbalance can mimic psychiatric disease because T3 influences levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter integral to moods and behavior. Low levels of T3 can cause depression. Some anti-depressants make hypothyroid patients feel even worse because the medications depress T3 levels. Paradoxically, some substances labelled depressants such as alcohol or opiates can increase T3 levels by impairing the breakdown of T3 in the brain, thus lifting mood. This may be one reason why these substances are so addictive.
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Man šitāda slimība.
Kam ir kāda interesantāka?
+ Viss raksts un vēl info par vairogdziedzera slimībām, hormoniem un to funkcijām šeit
p.s. A kāpēc sikoterapeiti nenosūta uz vairogdziedzera analīzēm savus pacientus, pirms uzsākt sikoanalīzi un tērēt savu dārgo laiku, nervus, nerunājot nimaz par pacientu veselību. Visādu sūdu izrakstīšana vairogdziezera slimniekam var uztaisīt vispār zvizģec! Nikna.