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[info]justlive I am a dreamer. I dream constantly. About specific goals. I dream about the process of reaching those goals. I like to dream, how i would be able to recreate others successes and then enjoy the praise, acknowledgements of others. I dream about reaching my goals efficiently. To get better results with less struggle and frustration. I dream alot about being able to keep myself safe and avoid all problems or tragedies, that have ever happened to other people. I dream that everything is possible.

But why do i dream? Why is dreaming such an integral part of my being? Why is dreaming such a big part of my motivation? Why every episode of my dreams shattered or proved wrong devastate me so much? I think i now know the answer. I dream because of hope. A hope of continuation, a theoretical potential of improvement in my future. A hope, that "things might get brighter before everything becomes completely dark".
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