Soli pa solim
Šodienas rakstīšanas terapijas veikums
List of bullshit:

  • Piece of mind

  • "Don't waste your life"

  • "Living to the full potential"


  • Comfort is undesirable. Comfort is an illusion.

  • Security can be restrictive and suffocating. You can "secure" a bird to a ground by nailing it's wings to the surface.

  • It's not about finding a balance, it's about acknowledging, stop resisting/denying the balance all around.

  • To embrace, not to separate


The solution to life is not to seek a solution.
Testēšanas vajadzībām no atvilktnes izvilku veco Samsung Galaxy S3. Nu tik maziņš, kompakts. :) Bet toreiz, tālajā 2012-ajā tas bija Samsung flagmanis, par kuru lielāks bija tikai Samsung Note (vai arī tas parādījās vēlāk?)
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