10 Decembris 2012 @ 23:19
Šis pēc temperamenta atgādina dažu labu radikālu loģiskā pozitīvisma aizstāvi 20. g.s. sākumā. Man, protams, nav iebildumu pret to, ka filozofiem būtu jāzina kaut kas par Kānemanu utt., bet kā redzam no teksta, tad pret abrobežotību tas nekādi nepalīdz
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Avtonoms[info]junona on 11. Decembris 2012 - 08:55
Turpat citā rakstā varam lasīt šo: "Of course, there is mainstream philosophy that is both good and cutting-edge: the work of Nick Bostrom and Daniel Dennett stands out. And of course there is a role for those who keep arguing for atheism and reductionism and so on. I was a fundamentalist Christian until I read some contemporary atheistic philosophy, so that kind of work definitely does some good."
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