when the time swirls - January 2011
(Recent Entries)
(User Info)
- 1st
- 01:26 pm: (no subject)
- 4th
- 12:28 pm: (no subject) - 14 comments
- 10th
- 12:35 am: (no subject) - 2 comments
03:17 pm: 1diena - 2 comments
03:22 pm: pazaudētais
04:53 pm: attēls iknedēļas The New York Times Magazine 50tajos jeb kādēļ strādnieki Amerikā pārcēlās uz Islipu - 5 comments
- 11th
- 03:16 pm: šodien nazi un špērs - 2 comments
10:45 pm: (no subject) - 5 comments
- 13th
- 04:33 pm: (no subject) - 3 comments
- 15th
- 09:02 pm: (no subject) - 6 comments
- 16th
- 01:57 pm: lasāmviela
- 17th
- 04:31 pm: Goldens - 8 comments
- 18th
- 04:18 am: (no subject) - 4 comments
- 23rd
- 12:41 pm: (no subject) - 11 comments
10:52 pm: diēta! - 10 comments
- 27th
- 11:55 pm: (mans) purniņš!!! - 5 comments
- 28th
- 11:47 am: (no subject) - 5 comments
- 30th
- 09:17 pm: (no subject) - 4 comments
- 31st
- 09:49 pm: (no subject)
10:03 pm: (no subject) - 2 comments