- 2.1.14 07:51
A propus, par lasīšanu, vakar lēnā garā pabeidzu "Religion for Atheists" un sāku "How to Think More about Sex", to give you a taste:
"Then, sometime between the First World War and the launch of Sputnik 1, things changed for the better. Finally, people started wearing bikinis, admitted to masturbating, grew able to mention cunnilingus in social context, started to watch porn films and became deeply comfotable with a topic that had, almost unaccountably, been the source of needles neurotic frustration for most of human history. Being able to enter into sexual relations with confidence and joy became as common an expectaiton for the modern era as feeling trepedation and guilt had been for previous ages. Sex came to be perceived as a useful, refreshing and physically reviving pastime, a little like tennis - something that everyone should have as often as possible in order to relieve the stresses of modern life.
This narrative of enlightenment and progress, however flattering it may be to our powers of reason and our pagan sensibilities, conveniently skirts an unbudging fact: sex is not something that we can ever expect to feel easily liberated from. It was not by mere coincidence that sex so disturbed us for thousands of years: repressive religious dictates and social taboos grew out of aspects of our nature that cannot now just be wished away. We were bothered by sex because it is a fundamentally disruptive, overwhelming and demented force, strongly at odds with the majority of our ambitions and all but incapable of being discreetly integrated within civilized society."