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Jane_Canta - August 16th, 2009

Aug. 16th, 2009 12:19 pm

...there should not be two standards, only one standard for both. And each couple has to decide on a single standard; that is the commitment. Either you both decide that you will remain only for each other, monogamous—good, if you both decide willingly, happily, joyously…. If it is not possible—one says 'I would like to keep my freedom'—then you also keep your freedom! Why be miserable? The misery arises because he is having fun and you are just sitting there thinking of him. You also have fun!... /Osho/

(nemaz nezināju, ka es ar savu vīrieti esmu runājusi saskaņā ar Ošo. Šito gan nebiju lasījusi, pirms tās mūsu sarunas. Jūtos baigi vieda :D)

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Aug. 16th, 2009 01:30 pm

Twitteris mani nemīl. Nevaru piereģistrēties :(

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Aug. 16th, 2009 01:30 pm Darbi nevis vārdi!

Pārdomas )

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