Sadomātava -

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Janvāris 14., 2005

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You smile at me - as a painting with no color
You look at me - as a star without a shine
You care for me - but you don't hear what i'm saying
I wanna know what you really feel inside
If i could saw the mystery of tomorrow
If i could make sweet changes in your heart
If I could see the shadows of the future
I wouldn't be alone and torn apart
You dance with me - but you don't feel my rythm
You walk with me - but you're always three steps ahead
You talk to me - but I don't hear what you're saying
I wanna know what you really feel inside
If i could saw the mystery of tomorrow
If i could make sweet changes in your heart
If I could see the shadows of the future
I wouldn't be alone and torn apart

(4 domā | padomā tu ar')


[User Picture]
Date:14. Janvāris 2005 - 22:07


jag ferstor inte presiz, kan du tala det svenska? ;)
[User Picture]
Date:14. Janvāris 2005 - 22:10

Re: ;)

[User Picture]
Date:15. Janvāris 2005 - 05:24


wtf? :))
[User Picture]
Date:16. Janvāris 2005 - 17:11

Re: =


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