July 31st, 2011
Comment parler des livres que l'on n'a pas lus?
man ļoti patīk tas, ko misjē Bažārs, vai kā nu viņu transkribē, raksta savā grāmatā "How to talk about books you haven't read" (un par ko parasti runāt ir nepieklājīgi):
"(..) the concept of nonreading is itself unclear, and so it is often hard to know whether we're lying or not when we say that we've read a book. The very question implies that we can draw a clear line between reading and not reading, while in fact many of the ways we encounter texts sit somewhere between the two. (..) To varying degrees, books we've skimmed, books we've heard about, and books we have forgotten also fall into the rich category that is non-reading."