You don't need to be falling in love (to be in love=to be mentally impaired*). The love needs to be growing and men need to prove themselves every day. You don't need to be sleeping with people for free because they 'feel good'. Does it feel good to be broke? If you're actively sleeping with a man, you should never be broke. If you are, you're doing it backwards. You are the prize. Why are you afraid? Don't give you all. Expect all. And that's what you'll have "But I love him" is no longer excuse. You gotta be saying "but he loves me". No, he don't. If he would, you wouldn't be struggling. Mans naivais raksturs izpaužas, cenšoties ticēt, ka pierakstot to šeit, to varētu arī īstenot, nevis rīkoties pretēji, sabotāžējot sevi, savu dzīvi un savu nākotni, kā arī tagadni (jo skriešana pakaļ ir pretēja labai sajūtai, vieni pašpārmetumi, nespēja izbaudīt esošo, vārdu sakot, dzīve nožēlojama emocionālā kvalitātē) *temporarily insanity |
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