Carpe · Diem

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I don't worry about karma. If my plan is to better myself and my children.
Fear is for people who are supposed to be kept at the certain level. I don't have that. You all too scared to level up, to even do what men do on a daily basis and you're too proud to let him do his job and provide for you. If you continue living in fear, you'll always be there where you are - stuck. I don't do it. I don't care. Karma can jump out of window

Sheraseven, gudrākā sieviete, kādu jebkad nācies sastapt.
Cik ĻOTI gribētos šo veiksmīgo dinamiku atpakaļ, ja tur vien ir iespējams vēl kaut ko salabot pēc pēdējās uzskatāmi crappy, pakaļskrienošās nedēļas

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