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Ķelnes un daudzu vāciešu holy grail svētki (kā mums Jāņi) - Karnevāls, izejot no pievemtajiem vilcieniem un vandālisma pilsētā, kad agŗāk ap šo laiku dzīvoju transportos uz darbiem un nodarbībām, vakar ar Ben un Julie palīdzību parādījās nedaudz citā gaismā. Pasēdējām koronas stilā trijatā pie teļļuka, paklausījos stāstus par šo tradīciju, iedzērām džinu, ai es vispār Vācijā jūtos labi.
Skolniekiem un viņu vecākiem patīk, kā es strādāju.
Tas, ka nevajag čaļiem savas jūtas atklāt, arī nu ir skaidrs, labāk vēlāk kā nekad, klusums telefonā pēc tam ir totālais pelēkums pa dzīvi un vispar trīs mēnešus sarakstīties bez satikšanās, šādā situācijā tikai es varu iekļūt.

As children, unlike other animals, we have a long period of dependency. We depend on our parents. They become an extension of us. Due to our dependence, we give our parents attributes that don't really belong to them. We see them as amazing. We see them as all-powerful.
We have developed trust in them by idealizing them.
As we grew older, we didn't mature out of that. That natural tendency to give your parents a more powerful aura extends to other people who you deem as superior.
We see our teachers as very smart people. We see professional athletes as gods.
The problem with that perspective is that it blinds you. It gives you a naive perspective.
What happens is we exaggerate their positive traits. Then, we ignore their negative traits.
We see the world through our needs. If you decided to grow and not depend on your parents, you will be scarred. However, your thinking will be closer to reality. You are no longer in the little box thinking that everything is perfect.
As you grow older, the people in your life you’re depending on would disappoint you. You begin to see their negative flaws. As a result of that disappointment, the pendulum swings toward you having a negative bias. You no longer notice their positive traits.
We developed the habit to see the world through our emotions. We depend on people to make us feel good. The way to grow out of this childish mentality is to face reality head-on.
Realize the nature of human beings. People will disappoint you. You cannot have that fantasy that everything will be perfect. Let go of that fantasy that one day you will meet the one who will fulfill your life. No guy will fulfill your life.
Move to the perspective that you should only depend on yourself because PEOPLE ARE NOT DEPENDABLE.

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