mākoņa sviesta cibiņa - Komentāri

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A satisfied customer. We should have him stuffed!!!4. Decembris 2007 - 23:41
Ja Fawlty Towers ir (kā šie raksta uz iepakojuma) "The best from BBC", tad kāda heka pēc tam ir tikai 12 epizodes???

Jei bogu, rīt atsākšu mācīties. Labāk vēlāk nekā nekad.
Tikai 12 mazas epizodītes.


Basil Fawlty:Manuel, go and get me a hammer
Basil Fawlty:A... hammer
Manuel:Ahhhhh, a hammer sandwich!
Basil Fawlty:Oh, must we go through this every time? A hammer.
Manuel:You want to see my hamster?
Basil Fawlty:No, not your hamster. How could I knock a nail in with a hamster? Well... I could try, couldn't I?
[walks away]
Basil Fawlty:Get a hhhammer and hhhit you on the hhhead with it.

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