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Izplatu muļķības - Kā sākās vasara.
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Kā sākās vasara.

Tik forši. Tikko ieklīdu mapītē 'Rakstiskās muļķības' un tur visādi labumi, tai skaitā mana vasaras sākumā veiktā eksperimenta dienasgrāmata. Dažas frāzes laikam varētu ierakstīt savā Quote's krājumiņā.

3.15 am 08.06.

It’s like flirting with that half-conscious state where you can’t quite tell what’s real and what’s just in your head.  You’re kind of there but actually you’re not. You’re letting yourself to sleep. But just a little, so you wouldn’t actually fall asleep. You’re keeping yourself on an edge, giving precisely as much as will keep you coming back for it.

10:00 am 09.06

Oh, I just remembered. During the night I actually watched second and third Twilight movies. Not from the beginning till the end, but most of them nonetheless. And no-one has to know. And I Think I have swollen eyes.

9:00 pm 11.06
I’m no good in Anything. That’s right – No Good. I can’t write, draw, sing, do sports or even learn. Maybe, except for gathering music

4:20 am 16.06
Well, I guess I was born to be a total disaster. And if ‘God makes no mistakes’, I’m here just to be a living proof of this era’s ‘How Not to Do... Anything’.

3:20 pm 16.06

Two hours later and I’m like a broken alarm clock – turning on and off randomly.


Current Mood: melancholic
Current Music: Radiohead - Creep

sofia From: [info]sofia Date: September 16th, 2011 - 03:12 am (Link)

the least of it

well - i have to much to say to that..
the fact is - this entry amused me and made me angry.
[the least of my problems being - the objection to your estimation of your writing abilities]
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Name: madara
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