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Izplatu muļķības - Don't get me wrong.
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Don't get me wrong.

It's been a long time since I last wondered, if this is how people feel:

  • when considering the stability of the state of their mind they're now in
  • when standing on the very edge of something and wondering
  • just before falling to such a small pieces so they cannot be put together again

'Cause.. I kind of have a 30 minute cycle of them repeating over and over again.

And at the same time it's like being stuck in a very tiny, dark room with no air to suck in, therefore with no ability to scream or even say a single word. And maybe (actually, most probably) there are people in there with me, but I don't see them. It's so pitch black I don't even see myself, nevermind the rest of the world. All I want to do is to crawl into a corner or something and hope that somehow I will cease to exist, or at least no-one (including myself) will ever find me and just assume I'm not there anymore.

Please, just let me not be here.

Current Mood: Black hole, no revelations
Current Music: Mixtape yet to be made

sofia From: [info]sofia Date: July 12th, 2011 - 03:20 pm (Link)
absolūti unikāls padoms no Vitālija: "Do you want to cease being in that dark place? Then you'll definitely stop. Just imagine yourself already out of there, imagine yourself free and happy this instant. And step by step reach this new reality. YOU are the real miracle and YOU can do it!"
hugo_stiglitz From: [info]hugo_stiglitz Date: July 12th, 2011 - 06:56 pm (Link)
Paldies, Vitālij.
Nebija ne jausmas, ka tu tik labi runā angliski.
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