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Izplatu muļķības - living through first school holidays.
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living through first school holidays.

According to one of my best friends I must be the most selfish and egoistical person ever been born, cause despite all the living creatures in and outside my house, I feel exceedingly lonely nad unhappy. And believe it or not, but I am aware of all the things I do have - friends, aqquaintances, family [including all my animal-istic family], home, opportunities [at which and whom I 'wave as they pass by'] and stuff.

But you just can't help the feeling. Can you?

Current Mood: changeable
Current Music: random melodies coming to my mind

sofia From: [info]sofia Date: September 12th, 2010 - 10:22 pm (Link)


well - either that friend doesn't know a thing about anything or you just misunderstand the definition of egoism.
besides I OH the same friend probably has new marvelous ideas about loneliness and depressions and egoism. and is just waiting to put them in action. [well you'll probably will read about it somewhere..]

p.s. gee, that school does wonders [not in the least less wonderful than photoshop] - you're blogging in English after a week. [saints preserve if I as much as imagine what can happen next :P ]
hugo_stiglitz From: [info]hugo_stiglitz Date: September 12th, 2010 - 11:13 pm (Link)

hopefully for all of us.

she always has some marvelous ideas about everything, which I am more than excited to hear and read.
p.s. about your p.s.: it would've been better if I used my new vocabulary about business. :P
sofia From: [info]sofia Date: September 12th, 2010 - 11:20 pm (Link)

groundstreet. hope never sleeps

well. it would be.. ēm.. just ridonculous!
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