Marts 9., 2005

Nu ko, man un pārējiem, kas rīt vēlas nedaudz pasvinēt - un nevis vienkārši tāpat, bet ar iemeslu:
daži no svētajiem, kuru diena atzīmējama 10. martā un kuru dzīvesstāsti man iepatikās.

St. Codratus of Corinth - Codratus grew up in the wilds and then studies medicine. During the reign of Valerian, he and his companions were tortured and thrown to wild animals. When the animals refused to harm them, they were beheaded. (Pieļauju, ka mocekļi, nevis lopiņi.)
St.Himelin - puisis, kas pārvērta ūdeni vīnā :)
St. Macarius of Jerusalem - Bishop of Jerusalem, Israel, who aided St. Helena in identifying the True Cross. When St. Helena discovered the True Cross in Jerusalem, Macanus suggested that a seriously ill woman be touched with each of the crosses to identify the real one. One cured the woman instantly. (Loģika puisim ir strādājusi labi...)
Martyrs of Armenia (Forty) - The martyrs were forced to march naked upon the ice of a frozen lake after they refused to abjure the faith. Upon the shore were kept warm baths and hot food as inducements for abjuring Christ. One soldier gave up the faith unable to endure any more cold, and an officer of the pagan units maintaining the baths declared this to be a dishonorable act and marched out onto the ice to take the lapsed Christian’s place.

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