Septembris 10., 2022
 | 13:47 Šībrīža diagnoze: kad izraksti šo citātu un padomā "akdies es esmu pārāk emocionāla bet paldies par šo, <3, bet tas taču ir arī tik grūti un bēdīgi bet jā", drusku apraudies un kopumā jūties kā noskatījies feisītī psihologa padomiņu lol.
"This view of subjectivity does not condition the emergence of the subject on negation but on creative affirmation; not on loss but on vital generative forces. The rejection of the dialectical scheme implies also a shift of temporal gears. It means that the conditions for political and ethical agency are not dependent on the current state of the terrain: they are not oppositional and thus not tied to the present by negation. Instead they are projected across time as affirmative praxis, geared to creating empowering relations aimed at possible futures. Ethical relations create possible worlds by mobilizing resources that have been untapped in the present, including our desires and imagination. They are the driving forces that concretize in actual, material relations and can thus constitute a network, web or rhizome of interconnection with others."
Rosi Braidotti and Rick Dolphijn. Introduction: Deleuzes Philosophy and the Art of Life Or: What does Pussy Riot Know? In: This Deleuzian Century. Art, activism, Life. Edited by Rosi Braidotti, Rick Dolphijn. Leiden, Boston: Brill Rodopi. 2014. - p. 25
"This rejects the liberal vision of the subject, which inscribes the political economy of capitalism at the heart of subjectivity in terms of losses, savings, recognition and production. ... Acknowledging instead the importance of proximity and relation, it turns the margins of unspeakableness, the traumatized nature of our being-in-the-world and our shared fragility into the praxis of co-construction of affirmative social practices. It is a form of amor fati, a way of living up to the intensities of life, so as to be worthy of all that happens to us - to live out our shared capacity to affect and to be affected."
Ibid., 26-27
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