Novembris 9., 2018
 | 17:07 One story best illustrates this side of [Alice] Goffman. It’s about cat videos, and she agreed to let me use it only if I made it clear that she’s not comparing her human subjects to cats. A journalist wanted to do a story about On the Run, Goffman explained, and she was trying to figure out whether to work with him on it. She looked up his prior work and saw that, among other things, he had written a light article about Maru and other super-famous YouTube cats.
“They’re funny to people,” Goffman said of these videos. “They’re really funny, these cat videos. And my feeling was, these cats don’t have any choice in this, and why are they being pushed into the bathtub for sport for all of the humans to watch? Why can’t you just honor what the cat wants and not make a funny video about a full-body protest against being in the water? And we’re all watching it for fun? I don’t find anything funny in the cat videos.”
 | 21:10 Un tad ir tā diena, kad tu aizturi elpu un pārkāp pāri klints malai, un eņģeļi tevi nones lejā, un tu pat pēdu pret akmeni neapdauzi. Mūzika: Lana Del Rey - Mariners Apartment Complex
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