Augusts 23., 2015
 | 11:27 The members of the World Science Fiction Society rejected the slate of finalists in five categories, giving No Award in Best Novella, Short Story, Related Work, Editor Short Form, and Editor Long Form. This equals the total number of times that WSFS members have presented No Award in the entire history of the Hugo Awards, most recently in 1977.
Hugo balvas
Ahhh, ja man nebūtu jāskrien uz kīno, totāli skraidītu pa blogiem un skatītos, kā reaģē tie, kuru skudrupūznī sačurāts (es domāju, ekselenta darbība pohdienai)
Bet nu man ir jāskrien uz kīno un vispār laikam diezgan stulba izklaide
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