Jūnijs 5., 2015
 | 13:15 1. Izveikt jogu (man šķiet, tikai pilnīgs tizlenis var nosvīst no sun salutation, quod erat demonstrandum) 2. Atcerēties, ka siltā ūdens vēl joprojām nav 3. Spiegt dušā
 | 15:42 Telling that story over and over, the tellers want what happened to happen differently, like running a length of film back and forth, see-sawing the eye, the eye hopping from one moment to the next, island frame to island frame, hoping that his time will be all different, that other gods will intervene. As one did in Iphigenia's fall, intercepting her midair and turning her flesh insubstantial, her blood into aerosol, and transporting the mist of her beyond the Aegean to some sacred steppes someplace where the history of history one steps into is never, never the same twice.
/Michael Martone/
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