Janvāris 26., 2012

Btw, no grāmatiņas, ko šobrīd lasu, var diezgan viegli secināt, ka tas, ko dēvē par "harismu"*, faktiski ir psihoze, uz ko pavelkas neirotiķi (jo psihotiķis/neirotiķis ir tā kā podiņš/vāciņš, tikai viens psihotiķis var pavilkt daudzus neirotiķus).

"Neurotic people, prone to doubt, are often impressed when they meet someone who seems sure of him or herself, convinced of their beliefs. This is why sects, cults and religious movements so often form around charismatic individuals who seem certain of their purpose in life. They have a sense of mission, which may well captivate the neurotic who doesn't know quite what to do, never certain of their career or vocation. [..] Once again, it is less the content of the beliefs than the attitude towards them."

*gudri cilvēki apgalvo, ka harisma ir ar s, un ko nu es, es tik vāciņš viņu podiņam :)

(6 teica | man šķiet, ir tā...)

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honeybee - 26. Janvāris 2012

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