Aprīlis 26., 2011
 | 11:09 vot izdomāju uztaisīt valodu fantasy grāmatai nonāku līdz sintaksei, izdomāju, ka vajag OV tipa, un skatos vikipēdijā: "In linguistics, an OV language is a language in which the object comes before the verb.[1] They are primarily left-branching, or head-final, i.e. heads are often found at the end of their phrases, with a resulting tendency to have the adjectives before nouns, to place adpositions as postpositions after the noun phrases they govern, to put relative clauses before their referents, and to place auxiliary verbs after the action verb. Of those OV languages that make use of affixes, many predominantly, or even exclusively, as in the case of Turkish, prefer suffixation to prefixation."
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