Augusts 18., 2008
 | 11:29 - Golden Hammer Profesionālā kretīnisma dēļ pagūglēju Golden Hammer (biju piemirsusi www adresi) un uzgūglēju wikipēdiju.
A golden hammer is any tool, technology, paradigm, snake oil, buzzword or similar whose proponents enthusiastically sing its praises. They predict that it will solve multiple problems, including some for which it is obviously not suitable. Likewise, a literal golden hammer looks highly impressive but is no better (and quite possibly worse) for hitting things than a hammer made of cheaper materials.
The phrase "When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail" (Abraham Maslow) is similar to the concept of a golden hammer; once you have a tool that works for one task, you want to use it for everything just because it's available, and because you have already developed the skills to use it.
The antonym term for golden hammer is "using the right tool for the job."
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