Jūlijs 16., 2003
honeybee![](http://klab.lv/userpic/38037/194) | 00:19 k-kad konstatēju, ka rakstot izmantoju vārdus, kurus runājot neizmantoju nekad. un runa nav par poētismiem. piemēram, vārds "jauneklis" man liekas visai piemērots apzīmējums literārā tekstā, bet sarunā es labākajā gadījumā teikšu ironisko "jaunēklis".
un h-ju tu pateiksi, vai tas ir slikti vai normāli.
// ne par tēmu, inkblot tests - your unconscious mind is driven most by Imagination
This means you have a deep desire to use innovative ideas to enhance your life and influence the world around you. This drive influences you far more than you may realize on a conscious level.
Your need to be innovative drives how you look at new opportunities and the kinds of experiences in life you choose to have. On an unconscious level, the reason you may be so driven by imagination is your fear of destruction, the opposite of creation. When you are unable to create due to restrictions imposed by your environment or even ones you unwittingly impose on yourself, do you feel trapped or confined? You may find these feelings of unease only get better when you find another outlet for your imagination.
With such a strong creative orientation, you are willing to entertain a broad spectrum of ideas at any given time. The world is a fuller, richer place because you can contribute new ideas to any experience. Your natural curiosity inspires those around you and encourages them to come up with ideas they wouldn't have thought of without your help.
// un vēl - The Chakra test your most positive energy is flowing from your Sixth Chakra
This chakra is located in the center of your forehead and is often called the third eye. The sixth chakra represents your ability to see and really know truth. In your case, this chakra appears to be clear and unblocked so that positive energy can flow from it freely. Radiating positive energy from your sixth chakra indicates that you've cultivated higher wisdom concerning the important life lessons associated with this energy center. You're apt to be accepting of the people and events in your life rather than pass judgment on them. You're also likely to have developed a higher level of intuition than most people have.
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