Oktobris 14., 2019
 | 11:57 Stuff My Mouth with Gas-Soaked Rags There, I’ve created order. The next time I want aspirin it’ll be in the bathroom closet on the second shelf in the sixth row beside the other pain relievers. Right beside. Also, I’ve now painted everything in the place, everything, especially the hideous mint-green spine of this Thomas Pynchon book, which I do someday intend to read at least some of. I’ve painted the stapler. That and my little travel alarm. The cleaning supplies and vitamin bottles are now Venetian gold. Jade green and lavender blue complement Venetian gold. So does a very deep yellow. One problem, however, is I’m no longer sure if I have a lot of something or a little. Before shopping, it’ll be necessary to hand-weigh every item on the shelves. And on the keyboard, I shouldn’t have coated gold on the numeric keys. The alphabet I can touch-type but the ampersand is where in the hell?
- Mary Robison, "Why Did I Ever" (2017)
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