Jūlijs 14., 2003
honeybee | 03:07 www.emode.com apgalvo, ka mans IQ esot 138, visual mathematican. vai - pēc super IQ testa - 120, complex intelligectual. kaut kā negribas uztvert to nopietni pēc tam, kad esmu redzējusi Aizenka testu :) (t.i., 2 lapiņas, bez laika ierobežojuma, bez paziņojuma, ka izpildīt testu pavisam pareizi nav cilvēka spēkos... smieklīgi vienkārši ;)) bet jāsaka arī, ka Aizenka testu krieviski iziet man būtu baigi grūti, jo pietiekami daudzi uzdevumi tomēr ir balstīti uz valodas zināšanām. angliski gan neizdevās atrast nekur :( latviešu tulkojumam, ko nesen manīju valtera un rapas grāmatnīcās, var uzticēties?
// you answered 26 out of 30 questions correctly!
Congratulations! Your score is in the 96th percentile. This means that if one hundred people took the test with you, your score would rank higher than 95 of them on average.
When we analyzed your test, we also discovered that when it comes to linguistic-mathematical ability, you measure in the 100th percentile. This score indicates you have unusually strong abilities when it comes to understanding numerical representation in words or "word problems." You're highly proficient at translating words into numbers. This can be very useful when solving a problem in real life. When people are discussing a vague problem that needs a specific solution, you're able to cut through the extraneous information to a clear answer.
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