Aprīlis 28., 2019
french_mime | 14:00 Un nav īsti skaidrs, vai tas ir ļoti cieši saistīts, vai arī tas tāpēc, ka apzinātības prakses meklēju periodā, kad bija ļoti emocionāli grūti, kā jau daudzi. Which would explain the coincidence. Kaut gan, man šķiet ar apzinātību ir tā, ka the more you become aware of, the more potential to cry because ignorance is bliss. Un ar tiem 'shadow work' arī var iet nebeidzami dziļi, there's neverending material for it. I think I had this illusion that you look into your shadows, clear them and then go on living happily ever after, but that's not how it works.
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