kanariņš - June 30th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 30th, 2013

slapjie sapno [Jun. 30th, 2013|10:23 am]
Ir pagajusi vel tikai viena nedela, bet es jau nepacietiba didos, knosos un gara acim skatu, ka tad, kad baseins atkal bus vala un man bus atvalinajums, iesu katru ritu. Ritarosme un baseins. Katru milu dienu. un varbut vel pa vakariem. sporta orgasmatiskais speks
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favour [Jun. 30th, 2013|05:04 pm]
Favors and "normal heroes": The case of postsocialist higher education
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par nemsanu [Jun. 30th, 2013|07:51 pm]
Is it possible to accept lucrative subsidies from dictatorships, operate campuses on their territory and still preserve the values that make American universities great, including academic freedom?
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