[Aug. 17th, 2011|08:58 am] |
"Of the 440,350 wild boar killed in the 2010 hunting season in Germany, over 1,000 were found to be contaminated with levels of radiation above the permitted limit of 600 bequerels, due to residual radioactivity from Chernobyl.[100] Germany has "banned wild game meat because of contamination linked to radioactive mushrooms".[101] The Norwegian Agricultural Authority reported that in 2009 a total of 18,000 livestock in Norway needed to be given uncontaminated feed for a period of time before slaughter in order to ensure that their meat was safe for human consumption.In Britain and Norway, as of 2011, "slaughter restrictions remain for sheep raised on pasture contaminated by radiation fallout"
Nu, Latvija sanāk gana tuvu gan Negadījuma vietai, gan arī Batlkrievijai, kura dabūja pilnu nokrišņu komplektu, tamdēļ interesanti - vismaz lokālo "dabas velšu" un "ekošmekōproduktu" sakarā - vai Latvijā šī arī ir problēma un, ja jā, tad kā ar to tiek galā vai vismaz uzrauga? Pie kā varētu aiziet painteresēties, kas LV nodarbojas ar radionaktīvajām vietām'n'lietām? |