[Nov. 1st, 2010|01:35 pm] |
Few days ago, on the Chinese Ganji website, an online trading used goods, there was a offer entitled “I am willing to sell my Peking University diploma for one yuan”. The young graduated described how, since 2003, he found only jobs where he was paid less than 1,500 yuan per month, that is less than for a migrant workers without such a degree. This symbolic protest, made by a neo graduate from the top university of China unable to find a good job despite his degree, is very closed to another phenomena that is happening in another part of the world, that is UK, Europe.
The newspaper Telegraph wrote about a sort of «negative effect» related to the choice of study social sciences, arts and humanities. If we look better into that piece of news, we are able to see that today higher education is becoming less and less guarantee for an upward mobility: have a degree is no more a dispositive to earn more, to improve your economic status and lifestyle. The article suggests to young male students to not make wrong decision, that is to study literature or philosophy, because with this kind of degree they will suffer quite a lot in the future , characterized by a very low wage |
[Nov. 1st, 2010|01:50 pm] |
zosāda metas, dzirdot "i like to meet new people, to make friends" vai mūžīgo "different cultures", kuras griboties sastapt un izprast. iemesli, kamdēļ man drausmīgi nepatīk couchsurfings. |
[Nov. 1st, 2010|02:48 pm] |
bāc, es nevaru saņemties piezvanīt. man tā riebjas zvanīt it īpaši kad zvanītnepatikšanas dēļ ilgi ilgi visu esu savilkusi garumā |
[Nov. 1st, 2010|05:03 pm] |
ou fak. prokrastinācijas sekas sāk aktualizēties. Vienīgais, no tā es izjūtu lielāku vainas apziņu un stresu, nekā draivu kko darīt. bet vikipēdija par to jau brīdināja.. |