traffic signals |
[Apr. 23rd, 2010|11:23 am] |
traffic signals
the old folks play a game in the park overlooking the sea shoving markers across cement with wooden sticks four play, two on each side and 18 or 20 others sit in the sun and watch I notice this as I move toward the public facility as my car is being repaired
an old cannon sits in the park rusted and useless. six or seven sailboats ride the sea below.
I finish my duty come out and they are still playing.
one of the women is heavily rouged wearing false eyelashes and smoking a cigarette. the men are very thin very pale wear wristwatches that hurt their wrists.
the other woman is very fat and giggles each time a score is made
some of them are my age.
they disgust me the way they wait for death with as much passion as a traffic signal.
these are the people who believe advertisements these are the people who buy dentures on credit these are the people who celebrate holidays these are the people who have grandchildren these are the people who vote these are the people who have funerals
these are the dead the smog the stink in the air the lepers.
these are almost everybody finally.
seagulls are better seaweed is better dirty sand is better
if I could turn that old cannon on them and make it work I would.
they disgust me.
/charles bukowski/ |
462-0614 |
[Apr. 23rd, 2010|11:36 am] |
I get many phonecalls now They are all alike. "are you Charles Bukowski, the writer?" "yes," I tell them. and they tell me that they understand my writing, and some of them are writers or want to be writers and they have dull and horrible jobs and they can't face the room the apartment the walls that night--- they want somebody to talk to and they can't believe that I can't help them that I don't know the words. they can't believe that often now I double up in my room grab my gut and say "Jesus Jesus Jesus, not again!" they can't believe that the loveless people the streets the loneliness the walls are mine too. and when I hang up the phone they think I have held back my secret.
I don't write out of knowledge. when the phone rings I too would like to hear words that might ease some of this.
that's why my number's listed. |
[Apr. 23rd, 2010|12:40 pm] |
iekšējais tonis skan Menuets ar Floridas smiltīm, bet diemžēl nekur nevaru atrast (nevarētu jau arī teikt, ka ļoti cītīgi meklēju..), tāpēc nevaru noraidīt jūsu iepriecinājumam |
[Apr. 23rd, 2010|12:58 pm] |
Stendža, bļe, reklāmas un PR guru ka vai kaķim jāsmejas. Šleserītis nabadziņš vīzītēs, linu biksiņām un kalpa zēna vasariņas tarbiņu rokā, visu sists un apvainots un nesaprasts, dvēselē labu gribošs vientiesītis. Šķēles un Šlesera attapīgā burtu kombinācija (skat. stendžas smišērkšķu dziras projektu../drošvien džeks ticis pie kādas jaunas grāmatas par burtu/ciparu kodolīgajiem 'saīsinājumiem' kā ekvivalentu logo vai tml., pārāk radoši jau reklamščiki savai lietai nepieiet*) kā "jautrības elements nopietnas apvienības veidošanas procesa laikā", nu, jokpēteri divi, zinies. rokas asinīs a šiem jautri! Ā R P R Ā T S !
p.s. un kad šķēle dirš par godīgumu un to, kā pozīcija 'meklē vainīgos' tad visai viņa PR komandai man gribētos kājas no dirsas izraut, spičkas vietā iebāzt, kā vispār var būt saprātīgs cilvēks, kas parakstās strādāt ar šiem lopiem?
* vēl kaut kā sanāca pie Magazin3 izstāžu telpas pamanīt viņu pašreklāmu "hard to find / easy to love" un kaut kā ļoti atsita LV miljonu vērto materiālu... |
turpat dzer un turpat ķēzī; turpat ņem viens otru vēzī |
[Apr. 23rd, 2010|02:10 pm] |
offtopikā runājot par filtiem:
Mani pārsteidza ziņās rādītais sižets, kurā tika intervēts Jurģis Liepnieks kā komentētājs par politiskām lietām. Tiešām skumji līdz sirds dziļumiem sametās. Pirms gadiem diviem, trim visi mediji šo nabaga iznireli gānīja no panckām ārā, visus pasaules grēkus 'asiņainajam pundurim' pierakstīja, uz ielas ļaudis ar skatieniem pilnīgi caurumus viņā dedzināja. Šķita, ka šim tipam labāk būtu emigrēt psiholoģiskā komfota dēļ. A nepaiet ne brīdis, ka jams jau akal ādas krēslā kabinetā vāvuļo par politisko šahu. Un TV filmē un raida. Forši būt latvijā - nofeilē, tad noej dziļumā uz kādu laiciņu, lai aizmirstas un tad peldi tik augšā, saulvedis grjobanais. Ļaudīm (akmentiņš 4. varas dārziņā) nav nekādu filtru. |