kanariņš - April 12th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 12th, 2010

[Apr. 12th, 2010|11:02 am]
gribu dzivu mūziku. Vai kaut kur kaut kas foršs notiek/notiksies?
Varētu jau uz ōperu aizstaigāt, bet tur jau nekad nav džingelējuši vnk taisni stāvot, normālās drēbēs, tā, lai nekas netraucētu par balsi prriecāties. Kaut kādas stīgas vai kas ģildē, kimā, mūzikas akadēmijā, enivan?
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conflicts and transformation of the university [Apr. 12th, 2010|11:21 am]
Solidarity Appeal from Ukraine: Stop Repression of Student Trade Union‏

In solidarity with the students facing sanctions for recent political activities at UC Berkeley in defense of public education in California. We call for the UC Berkeley administration to drop all charges and disciplinary actions against the students involved in the Architects and Engineering building sit-in on November 18, 2009, the November 20, 2009 Wheeler protest, those arrested in Wheeler Hall on the morning of December 11, 2009, and the students facing sanctions for flyering on campus.[...]

Reflections on March 4th 2010 - What next?
Democracy Insurgent participated in and helped organized the March 4th actions in Seattle, where 700 students, workers and community members turned out.[...]

edu-factory journal: the zero issue is out! The Double Crisis
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veltījums Thel [Apr. 12th, 2010|11:28 am]
Klas Eriksson No one like us - We don’t care - is a performance within the most global of all cultures - football. The artist focuses on Britain and mixes sounds, music and images from every aspect of this booming and obsessive world: chants from football terraces in, violence, passion and police reports. The piece is an ode to the real supporters: the ones who live for the sport and their club. But it is also a lament for the commercialization and sudden respectability of this world that for decades has thrived on the animal side of man and on the testosterone drenched and downright dirty social roles.
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moš noder [Apr. 12th, 2010|01:54 pm]
Labi, mīļie cilvēki, kam mācību u.c. nolūkos interesē visādas politoloģijas, socioloģijas, sociālantropoloģijas u.tml. social scieneces & humanities herņas:

links, kurā skandināvijas augstskolas publicē pilnus vai daļējus disertāciju tekstus. Brīvi lejuplādēdajmi un lasāmi/lietojami. Ir labāki un ir sliktāki. taču pozitīvi, ka gandrīz visos tiek atrunāta metodoloģija un visi ir balstīti iekš field-studies un visvisādām statistikām, kas vienmer ir interesanta lasāmviela.

Ja kādam Baltic Studies ir pārak smaga lasāmviela vai neattiecas uz prioritāro interešu sfēru, tad no savas puses silti iesaku izmēģināt šo te žurčiku. neta vai printētajā versijā (bezmaksas abonēšana). Īzī un aizraujoši, jo, kā nekā par mūsu pašu dzīves telpu, politisku, ģeogrāfisku, vēsturisku vai simbolisku. un problēmām.
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find a red pen [Apr. 12th, 2010|10:27 pm]
abas bildes. viena stāv rātni plauktā līdzās citiem viniliem. Otra svaigi dabūta, nedaudz brāķēta (a man po*), vēl nav pat izpakota no etvijas

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