Jan. 19th, 2010|10:03 pm |
kamēr mūsējie braukā džipos, taujājot, kā mūsu emigranti jūtas savās mītnes zemēs, briti jau ir paguvuši uztaisīt niansētu pētījumu par to, kas ir noticis starp brīdi, kad - balstoties prognozēs par desmitiem tūkstošu imigrantu - tika atvērtas robežas un tagadējo brīdi, kad UK ir pašķaidījis pusotrs miljons imigrantu un kā rīkoties tālāk:
"UK employers' demand for workers at the low end of the skills spectrum is expected to rise over the coming decade… This implies that UK employers will continue to look to immigrant workers from eastern Europe to fill less skilled jobs.".. "Indeed, most employers are quick to cite an excellent work ethic as a factor in hiring them. This may explain why, during the recession, their unemployment rate has remained low.".."Despite being over-educated for many roles, they have been willing to take on jobs that many other workers do not wish to do." .. "But, despite often being highly skilled, more than half end up in low-paid jobs, compared with 18% of native-born workers. As a result, they receive lower wages," man šķiet diezgan gaumīgi, ņemot vērā, ka tiek pozitīvā gaisotnē domāts arī par aspketiem, par kuriem LV pat iedomāties nevar, ka būtu vajadzība padomāt (piem., imigrantu bērni u.tml.) |