19 Augusts 2019 @ 22:08
Tell the wolves .....  
''He would brush by me, casually running his hand against my back. Or he would drop a pencil and touch a finger to my ankle as he stooped to pick it up. There was something so electric about it. So dangerous. Those little touches were everything. I lived for them . You can build a whole world around the tiniest of touches. Did you know that? Can you imagine? ''

- You think I don't know about wrong love, June? You think I don't understand embarrassing love?

unicorn, horse, and wedding image

*I am still hoping for that world where You can love whoever You want and don't feel embarrassed about it.
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06 Jūlijs 2019 @ 14:14
Tell the wolves ..  
''Finn and I would look at each other all the way across the room without saying a single word. And we would hear each other. That is the kind of love I imagined with Finn. That's what I told myself. The kind that is not gross, because it's in another time and I'm not me. ''

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06 Jūlijs 2019 @ 12:47
'Tell the wolves I'm home'  
''Of course I was relieved that party was canceled. It wasn't the shy thing, the total social retardation. It was more than that. I wasn't interested in the drinking beer or vodka or smoking cigarettes or doing all the other things Greta thinks I can't even imagine. I don't want to imagine those things. Anyone can imagine those things. I want to imagine wrinkled time, and forests thick with wolves, and bleak midnight moors. I dream about people who don't need sex to know they love each other. I dream about people who would only ever kiss you on the cheek. ''

/Carol Rifka Brunt/

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trokšņi: 5RHYTMS NATURE - In Flow
13 Jūnijs 2019 @ 23:01
Bez sevis apjausmas, nav iespējams būt tuvam. Kā tu vari dalīt sevi ar citu, ja īsti nezini, kas esi? Kā cits spēs tevi pazīt, ja tu nezini, kas patiesībā esi?

Viens paņēmiens, ar kura palīdzību cilvēks veido spēcīgu sevis apziņu, ir stingru robežu noteikšana.

/ Džons Bredšovs "Atgriešanās pie sevis" /
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